I use my webcam constantly for streaming and I'm pretty familiar with all the internals and how the camera model on Windows works. I also use OBS extensively, so I regularly use the OBS virtual camera and flow everything through Open Broadcasting Studio. For my podcast, I use Zencastr which is a we...
Create a New ASP.NET Core Project Visual Studio Visual Studio Code / Visual Studio for Mac Select the ASP.NET Core Web App template Select OK In the Authentication type input, select Individual Accounts Apply migrations Run the app and select the Register link Enter the email and password for the ...
See the canonical version of this blog post at the Microsoft Open Source Blog! Ten years ago, Microsoft released the source for MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 to the Computer History Museum, and then later republished them for reference purposes. This code holds an important place in history and is a fascinat...
The tools installed for development and compilation make the image relatively large. dotnet/aspnet The sample uses this image for running the app The image contains the ASP.NET Core runtime and libraries and is optimized for running apps in production Designed for speed of deployment and app startup...
I've been doing not just Unit Testing for my sites but full on Integration Testing and Browser Automation Testing as early as 2007 with Selenium. Lately, however, I've been using the faster and generally more compatible Playwright. It has one API and can test on Windows, Linux, Mac, locally, in a co...
The image type (for example, runtime, aspnet, sdk) The image variant (for example, *-distroless, *-chiseled) The image feature (for example, *-aot, *-extra) Images optimized for size The following images are focused on resulting in the smallest possible image size: Alpine Mariner distroless Ubuntu c...
The dotnet aspnet-codegenerator command runs the ASP.NET Core scaffolding engine Running the dotnet aspnet-codegenerator command is required to scaffold from the command line or when using Visual Studio Code The command isn't required to use scaffolding with Visual Studio, which includes the scaffol...